The "Stopping Power" of Handguns

Simply stated, handguns do not have stopping power.  A related term is "knock down power."  Both are the creations of Hollywood and fiction authors.

The operation of a handgun cannot defy Newton's third law, which states; "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."  Therefore, if a bullet delivered enough energy to knock down an assailant, the recoil of the gun firing it would be sufficient to knock you down.  Recoil from larger caliber handguns may be uncomfortable, but is not even remotely close to being able to knock you down.

Ideally, you never have to employ a handgun against a human, but if you do, the goal is to stop the threat to you or another innocent human.  That goal requires rapid incapacitation of the assailant.  The two key factors to achieving this goal are placement (accuracy) and penetration.  Accuracy when under stress will probably be much worse than when practicing, hence the need for regular and realistic training. 

The FBI has concluded that there is no physiological reason for a person to fall, in virtually all cases, when wounded with a handgun round.  Almost all individuals that fall upon, or shortly after, impact do so as a result of learned behavior.  An enraged, highly motivated, or  drug stimulated individual can remain fully functional for 15 seconds or more, sufficient time to injure or kill you.

The net result; don't rely upon a handgun to bring about a rapid incapacitation of an assailant, short of a hit to the lower center of the head, which is a low probability result under stress.  Therefore, follow the following guidelines:

1.        Avoid dangerous locations.

2.        Practice situational awareness constantly.

3.        Maintain distance from perceived threats.

4.        Avoid arguments that could escalate.

5.        Practice regularly, not just marksmanship, but drawing and firing multiple rounds rapidly and accurately.

6.        Carry your weapon whenever you can.

7.        Select a weapon that fires the largest and heaviest bullet for which you can manage the recoil.

8.        Use premium defensive hollow point ammunition.

9.        Maintain physical fitness to be able to escape conflicts or at least be able to move quickly.


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