home defense

the class

  • Commonly taught home defense strategy, and why it does not work

  • The improved strategy

  • Castle doctrine

  • Making the home less inviting to attack

  • Making the home harder to penetrate

  • The viable safe room

  • Being armed

  • Preparation for the aftermath

  • Alarms

  • Doors & Windows

  • Lighting

  • Fencing

  • Deliveries

  • Patterns of behavior

  • Security cameras

  • Dogs

  • Social media

  • Whom you let into the home

  • Spotting casing behavior

  • Answering the door

  • If prevention fails

  • Calling 911

  • Police response times

  • Real safe room requirements

  • The need for a plan

  • Defensive shooting in the home

  • Choice of weapons and ammunition

  • Storage / concealment of weapons

  • Cover vs. concealment (what materials actually stop bullets and what materials don't)

  • Backlighting intruders

  • Explanation of the EMP attack and its results

  • Threats outside, but on the property


Home Inspection

A home security audit complete with a report and recommendations.



Home Defense Class: $75

Home Security Audit: $125

Contact ADS to Register.


Phone: 608/274-4333