Helpful Resources

You Tube is filled with self proclaimed experts giving advice on everything from firearms selection to tactics to legal advice.  There are very few sources of truly useful and accurate information.

We recommend three in this posting:

Armed Attorneys

Stop the Threat

Wilson Combat

Armed Attorneys is a team of Emily Taylor and Richard Hayes, two highly experienced attorneys with Second Amendment cases, that address a host of firearms related legal issues in a series of short and concise videos.  Topics include conduct following an incident, state to state variations in firearms law, firearm purchasing issues, how to select an attorney, risks of modifying firearms, reciprocity, and many more.

Stop the Threat is a series of 94 videos presented by James Towle.  Actual cases from around the country are reenacted and analyzed.  Cases include home invasions, road rage, incidents at work, carjackings, sexual assaults, incidents at stores and restaurants, etc.  Cases are analyzed by a panel in two ways; first, what the victim(s) could have done to have avoided the incident, and second, how well the victim(s) responded during and after the incident.

Wilson Combat is best known for being a manufacturer of premium firearms, and some of their YouTube posts are about those firearms.  However, many of their posts feature two of the industry's leading experts on firearm usage and self defense; Ken Hackathorn and Massad Ayoob.  Subjects include a variety of drills, analysis of grip techniques, active shooter defense, accuracy versus speed, and analysis of assorted firearms.


How Often Should You Replace Your Carry Ammunition?


How Many Shots?